As we all try to navigate a new way of working, living and socializing, we still need to take care of ourselves. Trying to put up resistance by keeping your distance means stay at home and don’t roam. So what do we do when we are upset and stressed? When we feel this way, we tend to seek solace, soothe ourselves and look for comfort quite often in the form of food. Yet, comfort food has such a bad connotation- redolent of indulgence, excess and leading to guilt.
So does this mean we have to shun the foods we turn to when we are out of our comfort zone?
A food can provide comfort on many different levels:
The temperature of the food- a steaming bowl of soup or oatmeal or the thrill of the chill of ice cream
The texture of the food: the crispiness of an apple or the crispiness of fried chicken or the creaminess of pudding
The aroma of a food: freshly baked bread or garlic sauteeing in a pan
The flavor of the food: salty, sour, sweet, bitter or umami
The visual appeal of the food: a pan of brownies, a bowl of pasta, a roast with potatoes and carrots
Taking care of ourselves by nurturing and nourishing is the variable we can control in these uncertain times. Chopping can be a stress reliever. Kneading bread can help to dissipate some of that pent up energy. Preparing a soup or stew can give us a sense of accomplishment.
That being said, if you are going to spend time in the kitchen, remember that #quarantineisthenewclean. Wash your hands, wipe surfaces, rinse produce well under running water.
Food can help brighten the mood. Appeal to your senses. Choose foods that allow you sit and savor. This may the time to browse through a recipe book or surf online to try that recipe you’ve been eying for a while.
A self imposed #isolationvacation can also allow you to clear the clutter. Maybe you have several boxes of opened pasta, or foods that are expired. A thorough cleaning of cabinets and shelves is a way to be productive and constructive.
And if your gym is closed, spending time cleaning and/or cooking is physical activity.
This is certainly an opportunity to take good care of yourself. Make sure you are well hydrated, do eat on a regular basis. Include foods that help to support s healthy immunes system such as adequate protein through lean meat, poultry, eggs, dairy, fish, seafood and also plant based proteins such as soy, beans and veggie burgers and crumbles, and also, and produce in the form of fruits and vegetables, fresh, canned, frozen freeze dried or dried.. Also try to minimize what can be stressful to the body- too much caffeine or alcohol. Do keep moving. Do get your rest.
Right now, let’s emphasize what we can do to maximize and optimize a healthy self. Eating well, hydrating appropriately, keeping fit and finding the time to rest are variables that we can control. Quality, quantity and consistency are key to creating a #healthyselfie.