Think Your Drink

As a registered dietitian, and sports dietitian for the Kansas City Chiefs. I am all about making sure my athletes are ready to play every day. Drinking enough fluid is key and needs to be a priority. Hydration NEVER takes

Treat Your Body Right

As a registered dietitian, sports dietitian and the sports dietitian for the Kansas City Chiefs, I am all about being an ath-vocate, making sure my athletes respect, not neglect their bodies by treating it right. There is a lot of

Prime Time

As a registered dietitian, and sports dietitian for the 2020 Superbowl Champion Kansas City Chiefs, I think food and fluid timing is the number one priority! If you are active you need to think about how you PREPARE your body

Create a Great Plate

As a registered dietitian, and sports dietitian for the Kansas City Chiefs- I always talk with my athletes about how to Create a Great Plate. Let’s talk about what you may want to put on the plate. You need to


Don’t let the heat result in an exercise or performance defeat! As the temperature continues to soar, you need to make sure you stay on top of your fluid needs as you #thinkyourdrink. Hydration is critically important for sports performance